A Sexual Offender is Attending My Church
– and I don’t know what to say to my children!
– and I don’t know what to say to my children!
Even with a good policy and best practices, welcoming a known sexual offender into the congregation can be challenging. Parents are often at a loss for how to talk to their child about boundary keeping with the offender, particularly when a “no contact with children” agreement is in effect. These agreements typically mean no verbal or emotional interaction between the offender and any child in the congregation.
This workshop provides a reframe from what may been seen as a crisis into an opportunity for parents to have important conversations with their children, and offers age-appropriate language for discussion of the issue.
Length: 1 – 1.5 hours
This workshop provides a reframe from what may been seen as a crisis into an opportunity for parents to have important conversations with their children, and offers age-appropriate language for discussion of the issue.
Length: 1 – 1.5 hours