YWCA Lancaster Sexual Assault Prevention & Counseling Center
Lancaster County, PA: 717-392-7273 Support, free counseling for children and adults, court accompaniment and more. Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape State Wide: 1-888-772-7227 Domestic Violence Services - Lancaster County, PA
Lancaster County, PA: 717-299-1249 Support, shelter, legal clinic and more. Home is supposed to be a safe place. Relationships are for joy, not harm. National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Stop It Now! Help for Adults who are Concerned about their own Behavior, or that of another Stop It Now is a resource for persons who concerned about the behavior of another adult toward children, or an adult is concerned about their own behavior. Info site & helpline.
What's OK? Help for Teens who are Concerned about their own Behavior
A new resource from Stop It Now for teens who are concerned about their own sexual behaviors, interest in children, or use of pornography. It is both an info site and a helpline. MHA Lancaster County provides mental health support and touches the lives of thousands each year at no cost to county residents.