The Rachel Project is relaunching in 2025.
SISTERS OF RACHEL Rachel, wife of Jacob, is the symbolic mother of Israel who intercedes for her children. She is the voice in Ramah weeping when King Herod orders little boys under age two to be murdered. She is hurting, but she will NOT be comforted until the children are safe, and her sisters are healed. Do you sometimes feel like Rachel? Do you live in Lancaster or a neighboring county? If so, come to a Sisters of Rachel group: Small groups for Plain women who want to bind up their wounds, protect children from harm, and be a healing light for others are being held in various locations beginning in 2025. Each group meets a set number of times for 16 hours in all. We also offer virtual groups. Trauma-trained Christian counselors lead these groups. You will receive an educational workbook to study, share difficult experiences in a safe setting, learn how to calm your anxiety, and be inspired by stories of other faithful women. To learn how you can be part of a Sisters group call Safe -Communities at 717-560-9989 or email us at [email protected] |