Understanding Sexual Orientation + Gender Identity
This session will include conversations and activities to understand the difference between gender, sex, and sexual orientation. This can be a confusing issue for youth (and parents!). Helping young people to understand the distinctions and have language to talk about them is a social intelligence skill needed to navigate today’s culture. We’ll also talk about things to do or say if a friend “comes out” to them as LGBTQ or is struggling with their gender identity - focusing on trust, respect, and holding confidentiality when a friend asks for support. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions they may not have been able to ask before and to discuss the complexities of sexuality. We will be addressing these issues from a psychological and medical perspective, and encourage parents and youth leaders to engage young people in conversations about theological and religious values around these topics in the weeks following this series.
Workshop Time: 1 hour
Workshop Time: 1 hour