What Does it Mean To Forgive?
Forgiveness after sexual abuse: A Survivor Centered Perspective
Forgiveness after sexual abuse: A Survivor Centered Perspective
What do we really mean when we talk about forgiveness? Is it the “everyday” forgiveness required to simply live in relationship with others? Is it reconciliation after genocide? Is it part of healing for survivors of sexual abuse? A requirement of our faith? This workshop deconstructs the one-size-fits-all approach to forgiveness that can place an unjust burden on survivors and offers a more nuanced and liberating perspective. We’ll explore five different types of forgiveness using scripture, discuss justice for survivors, and dialogue about the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.
1.5-2 hours
For additional information or to schedule, contact our office at 717-560-9989 or [email protected]
1.5-2 hours
For additional information or to schedule, contact our office at 717-560-9989 or [email protected]